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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Friend or "Friend"

So I am slightly ticked off, well emotional. Well not knowig how to feel. So blogging. Lets start with the common knowledge of what a friend is:

friend  (frĕnd)
1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

That's how the dictionary explains the term friend, but there are more things that connect us to our friends. Memories of good times, memories of bad times, that were stuck through as a team, laughter, happiness, a shoulder to cry on...a helping hand and most of all someone you think you can trust. Someone you know you can trust. Or can you?!

Lately it just seems like I've been wandering in circles...Every time I turn around something is up in my friend catalog...simply fishy. There's a specific story at the moment, that is leaving me wanting to rant on and on about this. Actually many things, if I think about it. Do you know that feeling, when you realize this is whats going:

1. I'm a shoulder to cry on, although they aren't here for me when I need the same thing?!
2. I'm a bitch box..."Please unload all of your rantings and bitchings here", yet if you do the same thing, no one listens?!
3. They are constantly pissed off because you don't call them 24/7....Sorry I have a life.... >_>
4. You mean well, by saying or doing something, but it is taken as an offense every single time.
5. When you try to find out what you've done that upset them so, you get either no answer at all or snotty comments. Or they aren't even able to explain what you've done, because you've seriously done nothing at all.

Now, I'm going to tell you what happened that got me so annoyed about this in the first place. And trust me this is not some stupid "girl drama"!! I have serious questions concerning this topic. I am confused beyond all means. One of my old "friends", lets call her S, is not talking to me. We've been "friends" for centuries and honestly this isn't the first time she's gone insane like this. It seems the person has issues. Do I love her anyway? For who she is? Yes. *starts singing* That's what friends are foooooor Anyway, I just moved back in town, so we've been in contact more. I had visited her at her house, we talked on the phone. Went shopping etc. For a couple of days I didn't call her or message (I swear wasn't more than 4 days), because I was completely and utterly crammed with things to do...My kid being sick and me being a single parent...sometimes things get challenging and I simply can't keep up with calling 10 girlfriends a day. So as I was saying, I didn't do anything for a couple of days. My kids 2nd birthday is coming up on Friday (yay :*) and I sent her the invite, just like I sent it to everyone else. I got no reply, even though it had been read. The messenger I sent it through shows if one has read the message or not etc, you get my point. So I'm like no problem, probably just busy or something, no big deal. 2 days later still nothing...So since it's Tuesday and I need to know who is coming and who isn't, for food count, seating etc...she would be bringing 3 kids with her after all...I send her another message. I ask if all is OK, that I hadn't heard from her in a while, didn't even mention the b-day just that I was concerned. Wanting to know if all is OK with her. Again, the message is read, but I get no reply. It is Wednesday...The party is in 2 days, and I have no idea what the hell her issue is to begin with.

Seriously what is this Bullshit. I know exactly what's up. I didn't message or call for 4 days, so she is pissed off to the highest of Pisstivity. But WHYYYY?! Is this really such a big deal? Am I missing something?? So it can't happen that one gets busy and just doesn't have the time to call, or one simply forgets because you're trying to manage your own life and the struggles it brings with it?? Why am I being crucified for this??????
Those are my questions. And furthermore I would like to know, if it IS so important, to hear from one another every single day....why didn't she pick up the damn phone and call me up?? Why do I have all the responsibility 24/7, 365 days a year to keep up with everyone?!?! What the hell is this madness???????? Doesn't a friendship go both ways?!

I swear I will never understand women. AND THIS IS COMING FROM A WOMAN FOR THE HOLY SAKE OF PETER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somebody needs to get me in the clear, because honestly I'm to the point where I don't even want friends anymore. It's a constant struggle...unless of course someone tells me "Heidi your friends, aren't friends, they are faker then fake fingernails" ... That I would also understand, not like I haven't figured with that possibility before myself.

I am simply curious, do all you lovely folk out there in the world have these same issues? Is it normal? Is this what friendship is suppose to be like? A flipping burden?? Seriously this can't be the deal....It's nuts!

Thank you for listening to me rant, dear internet folk. lol ;)

Awkward Moment of the Day

Monday, January 27, 2014

Awkward Moment of the Day

Note to Self: "Do NOT put the bottle of Ibuprofen next to the bottle of sleeping pills......"

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Awkward Moment of the Day

Whooooops wrong picture >_> ... *ehem*

Theeeere we goooo... *poker face*

Locked in Love

This is such an awesome song!! I realize it may be a slight downer, when it comes to the lyrics. The only thing I'm sooooo stuck on is the melody and this part of the lyrics:

"I keep (keep keep)
fallin' (lin' lin')
I keep fallin' in love all over again ('gain 'gain)
Cuz he's (he's he's)
got me
he's got me locked up like a crook"

Yup, I've got it bad gurlfriendz...just saying.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Awkward Moment of the Day

Should I have mentioned that all of my awkward actual crap stuff that happens to me...yeah, about that >_>

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Awkward Moment of the Day

Sadly enough this has happened to me more than just once...You'd think I'd learn >_>

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

To trust or not to trust? That indeed, is the Question!

Good Day!!
So I was left wondering the past couple of days...about how much we know about the people we date/live with/marry. Even how much we know in general about loved ones and their partners. I mean, you notice it everywhere...Suddenly you find out your long time friend abuses his spouse, but he's "such a great guy" and they always looked happy. One's Aunt or Uncle, Cousin, Brother or even Parent reveals, out of no where, they're unhappy in their relationship...seemingly all was well for years. You're in a relationship and you start noticing that the person you are with isn't really who you thought he/she was. I'm left to wonder "What do we truly know about our loved ones?!"; "Are we even really in the loop?!"; "How much is not revealed to our eyes and are we judging them (and are we with them) for who they truly are, or are we liking/loving/supporting/trusting a facade?!"

All my life I've heard you "just need to trust people to be honest", but lets face it, when humans want something they will get it. Most of them don't care how. They will lie, cheat, steal and god knows what else to get to their goal. It's a dangerous world and not only for the physical being, but for your very emotions. I have stopped counting how many times I got hurt, for seeing someone as something, they truly weren't. It hurts and it scars, leaving people hard to trust the next person that comes into your life. You just never know who's telling the truth and who isn't. Honestly I don't even think it's possible to tell anymore, we have become masters of deception. Especially when it comes to relationships.

How many times have you heard of a guy/girl telling another everything just to get in their pants...or to get money...or to get back at someone. The deceived develops feelings and BAM suddenly you're hit with the truth. You've wasted your time...your LIFE being with someone who was never really there. He/She was only a figment of your imagination, because they never truly were who you thought they were. What to do about this?! It's sad, I want to say there are certain guarantees when it comes to realtionships, I really want to, but I have more then enough proof to say other wise. There is no guarantee that the person you are with will keep promises, always be as awesome as they were in the beginning. You can only stick around and find out. Take the risk. Have a 50/50 chance of being ultimately happy or burned from head to toe.

"Is it worth the risk?!"

My question indeed, but really, it's like asking someone:

"Is it worth eating this awesome meal, at this awesome restaurant, even though there is a risk that the kitchen is dirty and you may or may not get food poisoning?" 

Of course it's worth the risk, even if things go bad, there was a good time with that person...before the big crash. There are still happy memories. Things to think positive about. 

"Does it suck?!"

Yes. Yes, it frikken does. There is nothing I hate quite as bad as being fooled by someone I truly loved. It's degrading and it makes you feel like a moronic imbecile. Last but not least it effing hurts. 
At the same time, I'm a sucker for Love. I'm a hopeless romantic and most likely a moron and just never could get myself to give up on love. So no matter how many horror stories I hear about, no matter how many times I get crushed I do always seem to get up and walk away from it. After all, there is always that next big chance of being ultimately happy next time around.

Of course we learn as well. After we've been around the block a couple of times, we can tell the 'Talkers' from the 'Walkers', we can tell who is real and who is just fooling around. Thankfully at least we learn. 

So no, there is no guarantee. Do I think it's worth it anyway? Yes. Should you give up? No. Not if you ask me. Get up brush your knees off and keep on going, quoting my father here for a moment. Good ole fighting spirit never hurt! 

2 more things before I get the hell outa here of my favorite quotes:

"Love doesn't hurt you. A person who doesn't know how to love hurts you. Don't get it twisted." 
~ Tony Gaskins

aaaaand some good advice that I give anyone about this topic:

1. Ask any question and a lot of them, don't be afraid it is silly or awkward. If he/she cares he/she will understand, listen and answer.

2. If you hear something you can't live with, bring it up. Either there can be a compromise or if it's really not for you. Please stop thinking he/she will change. They won't and you're going to be unhappy.

3. Take your time. I realize life is short, but rushing makes for a good possibility of overlooking something important. And that leads to not knowing. And not knowing gets people in trouble. And so on and so on and so on.

4. Stop looking for Love, that's when you usually find something you rather would have not found. It will find you when the time is right.

5. Don't settle. You're worth more than that.

Last but not least, 6. Never let your emotions control your brain.

On that note, stay safe! Use a condom your brain! ;)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Myths and Rumors about Islam!

Hey Hey Hey!
I was saying last blog time around, once a week, I was going to bust an Islamic bad rumor going about. It seems like nowadays Islam is one of the most misunderstood religions thanks to effing Media and I personally don't like it when people are living in lies. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but if I hear "It's a Sexist religion!" one more time I think I'm going to scream.
Also may I point out, this is coming from a woman who happens to NOT be Muslim, should show you guys I have no reason to defend something, just because it's my own. I simply am a follower of truth and the truth about this religion seems to have "gone under" somewhere between Iraq and 9/11...So lets set some things straight shall we?! Speaking of Media...

Week 1
"Muslim Husbands are legally allowed to have Sex with their dead Wives 
up to 6 hours after death"

This completely misconstrued and fucking horrific Rumor has nothing to do with Islam. Again people:
This rumor is based on a news article that was published in an Egyptian newspaper. The journalist had claimed that the parliament, which mostly consisted of members of the Muslim Brotherhood at the time, was discussing plans on passing a law making it legal for Husbands to engage in sexual intercourse with their deceased spouses. This rumor went viral ending up in several newspapers around the world, causing a bad hear say towards Islam itself. Even though this was never discussed by the Egyptian parliament and no such law was ever passed, not even publicly spoken of, I find it hilarious that ONE rumor about ONE Arabic speaking country gets so drug out to where millions of people believe it is actually the religion allowing this. It has nothing to do with Muslims, it just happened to go down in a country where the majority of folk follows this specific religion. Long story short some crackpot decided to be a douche.

Further more I would like to state that not one page in the Quaran states this, NOT one. I will reassure you all, if you take that book into your hands this minute and read page for page you will not find any sort of statement. Also here are some links to articles that clear this matter up, stating that the original article, claiming this madness, is indeed fake, DailyMail and CSMonitor
Take it easy guys and 'til next time!

      Islam Style

Awkward Moment of the Day

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Awkward Moment of the Day

Mixed Media Art in the Process

Hi everybody!! 
If you read my babbling on 'About Me' then you most likely already know I'm an Artist. Painting and creating new pieces of art is my absolute everything. For the most part one could throw me in the Abstract department when it comes to painting, but I also enjoy Still Life, Mixed Media and Landscape. It pretty much varies depending on what mood I am in when starting yet another canvas.

Currently I am working on a Mixed Media canvas that I started a couple of days ago. There are different ways to go about this, depending on what your goal is. Personally I believe texture is the most important factor in these paintings, which without they sometimes tend to be quite dull. Since a good amount of people have been asking me questions about this specific type of art, plus it seems to be quite the hot topic these days,  I thought I'd give you a glance at the process of my up to date, in progress canvas.

Here is what I started out with:

canvas, plaster, spatula and stencil. Let the fun begin!!
One empty 50x70 cm canvas, a spatula, plaster and a tin foil stencil (which all in all could be anything you choose or may not even be there). Also, stencils can be ANYTHING! I tend to use whatever I have home, seriously be creative! How I like to say it:

"Mixed Media doesn't start on the canvas it starts with picking your Tools!"

With  the plaster and spatula I covered the entire canvas, more raised here and there than elsewhere, bumps, effects...I went CrAzY in the most literal sense. There really are no rules, just basics.

While the plaster was still wet I made the stencil print and started adding paint to it, continuing to use the spatula though, not a brush. In my experience the best to use for this is Acrylic paint, you really do need something thick that is able to cover and really pop! Watercolor wont do much of anything at this state and I wouldn't recommend using it until you're finishing up. Further more I strongly recommend NOT to use watercolors at all if you are using any sorts of paper or cardboard (anything that could get soggy) on your artwork. For a tool highlight on this particular work I chose egg shells believe it or not. I decided to keep and clean them last time I baked cake, for Brunch with the girls. I then proceeded with drying them (by laying them out on paper towel) and crumbling them up in smaller pieces. Tada ready to use, cost free, Mixed Media texture! Like I said I use ANYTHING.

Canvas covered in plaster, stencil applied, paint and egg shells added.
Once I had reached this state I let the painting sit over night to dry. There were so many layers of plaster and paint, a couple hours didn't even get it half dry. I made sure it was sitting in a warm place and by next morning though, it was good to go.

Now that the plaster was hard and the colors wouldn't smear into one another anymore I started adding more paint. For this I used a sponge and decided to still not use a brush, because I was really liking the results of spatula painting. I added a few more eggshells here and there as well. 

"Texture, texture, texture! The more the better!"

Here are some close ups of the effects I got out of using a spat:

Letting everything dry once again, which thankfully only took about 2 hours this time, I started thinking about what to do with that center piece swirl I had going on. What colors to use, shading etc. I get these moments, where all I do is sit and really concentrate, almost meditate on the picture in front of my inner eye, trying to decide what course of action I want to go about next. Sometimes it takes me days or even weeks to finish the last bit of a painting, rushing these things just leads to a lot of scrapping and white outs. So I like to take my time with my work. I know, I know what you are thinking "What if I have a deadline?! I don't have time for this". It does happen where I have a deadline to get a painting done, but usually I know these things in advance and I just start earlier than usual. A lot of times this really saves stressful evenings, a day before the deadline >_> not knowing what to paint, how to pull it off and then hopefully, somehow, looking half way decent on only 4 hours of effing sleep in front of the buyer, the very next morning...Yes, I've been there, shit happens. Aaaanyyywaayyy, Mixed Media.

Knowing exactly what I want to do with the center piece now, I started focusing on that, trying to bring this baby home finish the artwork. I applied shades of reddish brown and turquoise to the spiral with a sponge and lots of water, wanting to smear and 'stain' more than actually paint. I let it dry once more and Kitty Arlowe decided to guard the painting from my Rugrat who absolutely frikken loves to either step in my paints and track them all over the house or add handprints to my wet canvases, he drives me bananas. Oh how I love the little monster.

Arlowe guarding the almost finished work of art.
Today, all that was left to do was add some highlights here and there. This is when I finally used a fine tip brush, going in with some bright paint, creating "light". Using some metallic 'rub on' paint I also added some golden shine to some of the rises, created by the plaster. After I reached my point of satisfaction, I placed my signature on the right hand, bottom corner of my now completed canvas and called it a day.

"The Spiral of Life"
Get creative, have fun, I hope I was of some sort of help to all of you wanting to get into Mixed Media and aren't quite sure where to begin. Also hope you loved the painting. If you would like to see more of my work, stick around here or check me out on Deviant Art. Have a great rest of the day!

Until next time!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Awkward Moment of the Day

My Hatred towards Hypocrisy in religious Affairs

I was reminded of some news headlines today, of a couple years back here in Germany and found myself upset by it once again. Emphasis on again. I will attempt to contain my rant and start from the beginning.

Germany, 2004 - 2011:

As I am reading the newspaper, turning on the television, checking news feeds online I am seeing headlines stating "The Islamic Veil across Europe" "The Muslim Veil and the Law in Europe" "German Court upholds ban on Hijab" "In Germany, Debate over Muslim Headscarf Rages On" etc. (You get my point!)
I decide to stop my busy day and read these articles, one after the other.
The issue appeared to have started with a Muslim teacher who happened to be a woman, who was wearing a Hijab to class. Supposedly parents didn't like it, other teachers didn't like it, school district didn't like etc. The woman, of course, stuck up for her belief and refused to take her veil off, saying it is on her person and has nothing to do with her methods of teaching her class etc. As this story went on and on, went to court etc more stories all around Germany and then Europe wide started popping up. Schools that made an issue about the the same things, Companies that had problems with the Muslim veil, Kinder gardens and even Universities. It drug on over years actually and during the same time I remember the next issue being that European Governments didn't want to build Mosques either, fearing that their own culture would go under. Don't even get me started on that one. There are CHRISTIAN CHURCHES in Egypt for crying out loud!! Long story short there was a large argument over moronic crap that could have been avoided if everyone would stick their nose in their own damn business in the first place discrimination of the Muslim Community.

End of today's History lesson and back to the future *ehem* I mean, the now:

I was shocked to say the least, I didn't even realize this was a thing! I never would have thought of this even being a problem, because really...Who cares what someone else does with their body parts, be it hair, legs, arms, face!? After all I am not being forced to do something I don't want, so live and let live. Yeah, well apparently I'm the only decent human being left around this forsaken place!
After further digging and researching I came to the conclusion that this had nothing to do with supposed influence of children in class, nor any of the other issues that were at claim here. There was evidence clear as day that this indeed, in my opinion, was nothing but another countless discrimination case towards Muslims in general.

First off, other religious symbols like cross wearing around the neck -> not forbidden. Symbolizes a religion, could possibly influence people, right?! The Kippa, seen on Jewish men didn't seem to be an offense either. Not at all to be exact. Also Roman Catholic Nuns are indeed allowed to wear their head coverings to schools, no issue there.

Rant Begin
Now folks, a little something about myself and I will be quite frank here. There ain't anything I dislike more than a bunch of Hypocrite liars. I can't stand the fact that it's OK for one person to do 'A' when another person who happens to be African American/Asian/Christian/Muslim/what the fuck ever can't do 'A' because they are Hispanic/homosexual/Catholic/orange/green/black/blue. This is nonsense. When are people going to wake the heck up and see that the way things are going this entire planet is going to fucking hell in a hand basket?! People just need to learn to be tolerant of other cultures! Learn to be tolerant in general towards other humans! We are talking about HUMAN BEINGS here!! Not vermin...When did we start treating each other like pests, frikken rats or roaches?!?! Seriously w.t.f. ?!
- to be continued -

Where was I...Aaahhhh yes! So other Religions oddly enough were given no difficulty what so ever in expressing themselves as long as the symbol was carried on one's self. Be it a necklace or a bracelet or a head covering... You see where this is going.

Now of course I was left to wonder why it was such a big deal for Muslim women and why they are running into so many issues. The only logical explanation I was able to come up with, after hours of reading and researching, is the simple fact that the overall opinion of Muslims here in Germany, can't speak for other places, in general is a little fishy. The Religion is very misunderstood and there are a ton of rumors out there about these people to begin with. The biggest and utmost important one that plays a huge role in this specific case is the oppressing of women. What people like to confuse is this: 
"The Oppressing of Women in Muslim COUNTRIES" = "The Oppressing of Women in ISLAM" 
There is a gigantic difference here. Well for one the latter doesn't exist, hence Islam does not oppress women, people oppress women. I get the mix up though, which comes from the word Muslim in my first statement, hence when you're Muslim you are a follower of Islam. Which is precisely when the mistake happens. The only reason why we call Muslim Countries "Muslim Countries" is simply because the majority of the country folk are Muslim, this doesn't automatically mean that the Iraqi, Syrian, Saudi Arabian, Egyptian, Turkish etc. pp. CULTURE is equal to Islam.
Meaning that even though women are oppressed in certain Arabic speaking countries, does not automatically mean that it is represented in Islam. Religion and Culture do NOT go hand in hand when it comes to every single factor of behavior.

Since the Hijab is only worn by Muslim women and Islam in general is very restricting of what the woman can show of herself, opposed to Muslim men who are apparently not covering anything out of the ordinary, people seem to get the impression that Muslim men can do whatever the hell they please and the women can't. Hence this sets off a chain reaction by alarming for example Feminist Groups -ALERT ALERT Women being oppressed by MEN ALERT ALERT- that there is an offensive matter at hand, people get ticked off, shit hits the fan. It is all only because of a false stereotype that is embedded into societies very skulls. Here for instance a quote from one of the Muslim female lawyers that were handling one of the cases:
"Es ist leicht, aus der Ferne und ohne eigene Betroffenheit das Kopftuch zu tolerieren. Für mich ist das jedoch keine Toleranz, sondern Ignoranz. Das Kopftuch und der Tschador symbolisieren in meinen Augen die Unterwerfung der Frau. Aber solange das Kopftuch fremdbestimmt, also vom Mann bestimmt ist, werde ich mich mit den Frauen solidarisieren, die endlich das Kopftuch oder den Tschador ablegen wollen."
As an original text from a German Interview it is in the German language. Here the translation for my English reading folks:
"It is easy to tolerate from a distance and without personal impact the headscarf. For me however, this is not tolerance but ignorance. The headscarf and chador in my eyes symbolize the subjugation of women. But as long as the headscarf is externally determined, so determined by the man, I'm going to show solidarity with the women who want to finally quit the headscarf or the chador."
These kinds of statements from a MUSLIM WOMAN of course don't help. Hence a woman who follows Islam would know what she is talking about. Right?! Wrong. Depending on how her parents were educated about Islam, and their parents parents and so on and so on, there could well be false education at hand. Which again proves the only way to get rid of these issues is self education. 

-Continuation of Rant-
Read the Quaran, research Islam and the different cultures before you go making a big stink out of something that only exists in the depth of your own mind. It is unnecessary and quite frankly I think hearing about ONE thing for 7 YEARS in the news proves that people should frikken educate themselves. Seriously, what is this Madness?! 7 YEARS people!!!
Last but not least, who's business is it if a woman wants to cover her hair anyway?! No one comes up to me saying "Heidi you're not allowed to wear pants!" "I feel offended when you wear pants, I'd rather have you not wear could influence something" (actually I can think of someone who would say this to me...but that's a different story >_>) 
Anyway, no one says this to me, you know why? Because they don't have the right to tell me how much to wear and how much not to wear. That would be an Outrage! Where the hell do people get off telling other people what the hell to wear?! If I only want to show my hair that happens to be ultra sexy to only my Husband then that's my damned choice and no one else's fucking business. To all women who wear the Hijab for that reason and that reason only, you go girls! Tell them all to shut the eff up!
-Rant End-

Man I feel so much better getting that out there. Stuff like this just truly annoys the heck out of me. Thankfully things about the head covering calmed down a while back and things are seemingly back to "normal", which of course still doesn't cover a wide span of fairness. Such is Society and the Government I guess. But at least it calmed down and as far as I know in most places in Germany the ban was lifted. Emphasis on most.

With my new found interest in this religion (through certain special significant others *wink*) and my general hatred for unfairness and hypocrisy towards people; I am going to take one bad myth, about Islam, per week and bust it! I will be posting the myth/rumor itself , if there is any idea on how it most likely came to be that will also be mentioned and last but not least proof of it's falseness. I am not saying that Islam has nothing about it that people could maybe not like or not agree with. By all means, it's not for everyone, what I do not like though is a whole group of people being looked down upon for something that doesn't even exist.

On that note, I'm off to yet another trip to the grocery store with the Rugrat ... Yippiiii! Not! -_-
Until next time!!

PS: In case there is any interest in further reading, I used Google searches and actual old articles I still had in my home. Also this Wikipedia post was quite interesting to read.