Here's a list of merely 50 (trust me there is much more!) really awesome things you can do online with your partner that are very close to "real life":
- Video call each other. (Skype for example)
- Voice call each other using phones, depending on the distance this can get really expensive though, so there are online programs one can use. (Skype is another awesome example here)
- Chat. This may seem lame compared to other things but sometimes it's really nice and it can switch things up!
- Play "Truth or Dare" while on a video call.
- Play guessing games like "Guess Who" or "Guess What" while on a call.
- Play "City-Country-River" while on a call.
- Take online Quizzes together.
- Read a book together.
- Watch a movie together.
- Send each other E-Cards.
- Make riddles with Paint or Photoshop then send it to your partner.
- Send each other E-Mails.
- Take pictures when you're out with Family and Friends so you can send them to your partner afterwards. Makes them feel more included into your life.
- Send video messages.
- Write letters and send them to your partner in the mail.
- Send a package to your partner in the mail. (filled with whatever you want, home baked cookies, a gift, drawings, etc etc etc)
- Be on a Forum together that you both enjoy. It's nice to be able to read your partners opinions on various topics, plus it's a good way of getting to know someone better.
- Add your partner on your social networking sites, share pictures, videos, daily updates or post something sweet for them to find in the morning.
- Visit each other.
- Go to bed with each other using video calls. (I'm a fan of Skype haha)
- Share a calender so both parties know the others schedule.
- Play "Trivia" together.
- Take an online class together. (Language for example)
- Not for everyone but one can also get naughty on the phone...Phone Sex.
- Again not for everyone...Cam Sex.
- Listen to music together, dance around on cam and just be goofy and have fun.
- Have random conversations about anything. From serious to down right silly.
- Make a list of questions you want to ask each other, next time you talk go down the individual lists.
- While on a call make a list together of all the things you want to do next time you visit.
- Talk about future plans. It can be so much fun, plus it is important to keep in front of your eyes that distance is only temporary. This will help to avoid frustration.
- Send a flower delivery to their house or work place. There are many floral shops that do this. Find the local one where your partner lives (online), order, pay and tadaaaaaaaa they deliver it for you. Most places will even include a card with your own personal message!!!
- Send a candy delivery to your partner! (same as 31. just candy or other foods instead of flowers)
- Send them a Christmas/Birthday/Valentine's/whatever - gift. There are different ways of going about it. My 2 favorites: 1 Buy it local and send it in the mail; 2 Order it on amazon or another site. Give them your bank info and billing address, but when it comes to the shipping address just give them your partners.
- Share a Journal or Diary. Send it back and forth in the mail or have an electronic one, so both of you can write in.
- Share a Blog or Webpage.
- Make videos of you and friends or family so your significant other gets an idea of who you spend your time with.
- Share a recipe book or make one of your favorite foods/foods you like cooking together.
- Create a photo album of the pictures you made of your visits together online.
- Morph a pic of you and your partner and send it to them.
- Write a short story and send it to your partner. (comical, drama, action, horror, erotic)
- Look at catalogs and furniture sites online and see how compatible you are when it comes to "living-style" taste. After all distance is temporary and you will one day be living with one another.
- Make your partner "love coupons" for your next visit.
- Just hang out on a vid call. Sometimes it can be nice to just see your partner do their thing while you do yours. It's comforting to know you can look at your laptop and see them there, just like you would if you were in the same room.
- Draw, paint or craft something for them. If you're not so handy do something special for them that you are good at. If you play an instrument write them a song and play it to them on a video or voice call. If you're good at writing, write them a poem. etc.
- Send each other text messages. (One could use whats app for this or just a regular text message)
- Watch You Tube videos together.
- Browse the internet together using Twiddla for example. This website lets you see the webpage that your partner is browsing and the other way around. It's awesome!!!
- Not for everyone...but you can leave your cam on when doing many things like cooking...or
- Play an online game together. (WOW, DC...whatever you're into)
- Eat a meal together once a day. Or all of them depending on schedules.
As long as both people are invested and willing to make things work your LDR (= Long Distance Relationship) will flourish and last. It really isn't impossible.
Just keep in mind that you have to pretty much find ways to do electronically all the things you would do in person. This includes everything from Date Nights to playing games, being affectionate, showing emotions, being there for one another, talking about everything, being honest. When there are decisions to be made like what gift to buy a friend for their birthday, discuss it with your partner. If he/she was there you would pick it together as well. All in all do NOT live like a single person. You are a couple just not so close.
Plus when it does get hard and you feel like this is never ending, just remember it's only temporary. You are doing this to be with your partner in person one day. Remember how much you love them and how much worth the wait they are. You'll get there, just hang tight!
Hope you liked the ideas!!
Until next time. Stay safe and use a condom...wait a second...electronical condoms...use Skype *wink*