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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Home Workout

We are all busy nowadays and committing to make it to a gym every 2 days, can be hard to fit into a busy time schedule. There's work, partners, friends, KIDS (that's a whole chapter of things to do in itself!!!)... Of course there is the 'Lounge Time' that we all require and want, which usually makes us seriously NOT want to go to the gym. Among errands that have to be run by someone every day in each family. 

I myself am a single Mom of a bouncing Toddler, my issue is not so much not having time to go to a fitness studio, but I can't take him with me and I don't have anyone to watch him. All the lovely gyms around here don't have kiddo watch yaaaayyyy. NOT... Soooo until he is settled into kinder garden, I am "stuck" with working out at home. Being someone who lost all of the oh so frikken loved baby weight with not ever going to a fitness place, I can assure you working out at home is VERY effective. I found that I actually enjoy working out at home. All you really need is a good workout plan, involving 3 basic muscle groups and of course commitment.

So here we are, this is my personal workout plan for at home, that leaves me feeling fit, healthy and sexay lol

1. Warm Up - 25 JJ's and 2 Minutes of "Ground Stomping" (Running on the same spot really fast making sure knees get brought up high)

2. Abdominal Workout - 3 Repetitions of 35 Crunches and 3 Repetitions of 20 Frog Kicks (the numbers of your Reps or Counts may go up when you get use to the workout itself. It is better to start off small and work yourself up to avoid injuries!)

3. Leg-muscle Workout - 3 Repetitions of 25 Scissors (make sure to switch sides...3 Rep. of 25 for left leg and 3 Rep. of 25 for right leg!!!) and 3 Repetitions of 20 Squats

4. Arm Workout - 5 Minutes non stop Plank Position and 2 Repetitions of 20 Push Ups

Have a nice Exercise Guys but stay safe, use a condom! Until next time. lol

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